6 Herbs for lung Support
This sounds so easy but for much of my life inhaling and exhaling came to me with great difficulty. I had severe asthma as a child that followed me up through adulthood. I relied on inhalers and antihistamines to keep breathing and suffered several lung infections every year.
The Medicine of Elecampane
The first day of spring is coming up quick on the calendar, but the weather in the Northeast doesn't seem to be aware of it. We have had one of the coldest and snowiest winters in many years and it has been hanging on and on. Along with the extended winter has come more coughs and colds and general dis-ease. One of my all time favorite remedies for colds, especially when the lungs are affected, is Elecampane. Elecampane was one of my very first plant allies as I used to suffer from asthma and chronic lung infections. Elecampane can remedy many different lung conditions and I have seen it work, at times, almost immediately. I am also deeply in love with the bright yellow luminosity of its flower and the strong, aromatic Earthy smell of its root. No matter how many times I have harvested this root, I am always enraptured by the first whiff of its perfume, and have been known to kneel right down with my nose to the dirt just breathing it in as deeply as I can.