It's Goldenrod Time
The wheel of the year is turning once again and the season of Fall is beginning her gentle emersion with first few leaves descending toward the turning Earth. There is a new chill wafting on the morning air and the Canada Geese have us in their flight path as they embark on this year’s journey South. These signs and more tell us that the times they are a-changing. Many of us, including myself, experience seasonal allergies in the late summer and early Fall that will continue until the first hard, killing frost.
Late Summer Allergies
As late summer approaches and the scent of fall is on the wind, many of us are busy harvesting, preserving and eating loads of yummy veggies and berries. It is also high allergy season as I, a long time allergy sufferer, and many of my friends and clients are feeling a strong attachment to the nearest box of Kleenex or our handkerchiefs (save trees!) or even toilet paper, anything that will staunch the sometimes constant sneezing and dripping. It doesn't help that it has been the wettest, rainiest year I ever remember here in the Northeast. The air is heavy and full with lots of thriving mold and fungi sporing around happily while we all try to figure out how to grow webbed feet and gills.